2024 Ukraine Task Force Annual Report
In 2024, Florida State University's Ukraine Task Force leveraged the strength and expertise of our university to extend a hand of support to Ukrainian academics and higher education institutions during this incredibly difficult time. We have done this while advancing FSU's mission and current strategic plan.
This annual report provides more detailed information about what we have accomplished. I can summarize by saying that we have reinvigorated professional networks, developed new partnerships, engaged in virtual research activities, pursued grant opportunities, supported creative endeavors together with local community members, and given our students powerful and relevant teaching opportunities related to this geostrategically important country. We have accomplished a lot together. Thank you for all you have done.
My sincere hope is that we will be able to build on this momentum and enjoy even more success next year. For now, I invite you to pause, recognize our collective work, and celebrate. Then let us continue dreaming and planning our next steps. I look forward to continuing to work with you and our Ukrainian colleagues in 2025.
Vilma E. Fuentes, Ph.D., Program Director, FSU Ukraine Task Force