LSI works to improve learning and instruction in developing countries through international partnerships with governments, universities, and non-governmental organizations. The team’s extensive on-the-ground experience builds on a legacy of work in international settings. LSI’s portfolio of past and current international development programs focuses on supporting systems for sustainable and continuing professional development for educators and policymakers.


"World map with countries FSU has worked in colored in Garnet"

LSI Project List By Country

North America

LSI has been involved in numerous projects based here in the United States and North America funded by agencies in the USA, including the U.S. Department of State, the National Science Foundation, the Florida Department of Education, the Institute of Education Sciences, and other organizations. 
Project List 

Central America and the Caribbean

LSI has worked with the Dominican Republic, Grenada, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, and Panama on projects, including the Community College Administrator Program (CCAP).

Project List

South America

LSI has been a part of projects in five South American countries, including The Community College Administrator Program with Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and other countries globally.

Project List


Our faculty and staff have a wealth of experience working in African countries. The LSI team has been involved with projects in Botswana, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Malawi, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Somalia, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

Project List 

Asia and the Pacific Islands

The LSI International Center's work in Asia and the Pacific Islands is extensive. Our faculty and staff have worked on projects in India, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, South Korea, Thailand, Tuvalu, Uzbekistan, and Yemen.

Project List


The Community College Administrator Program, which includes Ukraine, was designed to improve access, workforce development, private sector partnerships, distance education, governance, finance, student services, leadership, program assessment, utilization of technology, and community engagement through intensive study of the U.S. community college model.

Project List

Full List of LSI's Partner Countries

Latest News On Our International Work

  • LSI Receives Its First-Ever Grant From The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

    The grant aims to build evidence on the impact of pre-service teacher training on foundational learning in Zambia.

    Read the Story