Successful Start: CGI Project

The Learning Systems Institute (LSI) at Florida State University has received a two-year grant from the Children’s Board of Hillsborough County. The Successful Start: Cognitively Guided Instruction project will aim to enhance the effectiveness of early elementary mathematics in Hillsborough County by providing mathematics teacher professional development to 300 voluntary pre-kindergarten (VPK) through third grade teachers in collaboration with Hillsborough County Public Schools.

The premise of the CGI program is that all students enter school with intuitive knowledge and abilities that can serve as the basis for developing their mathematical ideas. Teachers can help students build on that intuitive knowledge to develop a progressively abstract understanding of mathematics that make up the elementary school curriculum. 

“The Successful Start project will provide training and support to teachers who serve students in VPK to third grade,” said principal investigator and LSI Senior Research Associate Dr. Amanda Tazaz. “These are the foundational grades where students learn the basics of mathematics necessary for success in later, more challenging mathematics courses. Research has also shown that student mathematics knowledge and achievement in preschool and the earliest grades of elementary predicts later success in the upper elementary years.”

In the program, teachers learn how students initially use concrete materials, such as drawings and math manipulatives, to solve math problems and how those procedures with the concrete materials evolve and are linked to more formal, abstract mathematics operations. This formal understanding will help participating teachers better understand the different ranges of mathematics abilities of students in their classroom, allowing for differentiated instruction with the goal of improving student achievement. 

Successful Start: CGI News

  • 150 Teachers Joined The CGI Teacher Training Program In Year One Of Successful Start

    In the 2023-2024 school year, 150 teachers from 20 elementary schools joined the CGI teacher training program as part of the Successful Start project.

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  • LSI Awarded Grant From The Children’s Board Of Hillsborough County

    The Successful Start: Cognitively Guided Instruction project will aim to enhance the effectiveness of early elementary mathematics in Hillsborough County by providing mathematics teacher professional development to 300 voluntary pre-kindergarten through third grade teachers.

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Successful Start: CGI Project Information

Project Information

"Dr. Amanda Tazaz headshot"

Dr.Amanda Tazaz

Principal Investigator