FSU's Ukraine Task Force

Florida State University’s Ukraine Task Force (UTF) was created in 2022 by Provost James Clark to support Ukrainian colleges and universities, explore areas of possible research or grant collaboration, and educate the FSU community about Ukraine. Provost Clark reaffirmed FSU’s commitment to the task force by placing it under the purview of the Learning Systems Institute (LSI) at FSU and appointing Dr. Vilma Fuentes as full-time program director.

In 2024, the UTF has hosted 14 Ukrainian educators who came to Tallahassee to build connections with FSU faculty and staff for long-term collaboration in joint research, shared pedagogy, course development, and publication. The Ukrainians also had the opportunity to visit with faculty, staff, and students to discuss the ongoing invasion of Ukraine

While at FSU, the conversations have covered teacher training development, combating human trafficking, mental health care, trauma resiliency, intensive English language development, drone applications, CCTV, body security innovations, cybersecurity, the transition from military service to higher education, the other topics.


Our Mission - Four Pillars

UTF Testimonials

We want to thank you for standing with Ukraine. Of course, we all know that the US is a strong supporter of Ukraine, but we feel it here at FSU as well.

Dr. Svitlana Kretovych, Office of the President of Ukraine

As a colonel, it was completely unexpected the full range and scope of possibilities offered by FSU.

Dr. Andrii Balendr, head of the language training and testing center at Bhodan Khmelnytskyy National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine 

It is amazing that this task force exists. I never expected one of the leading U.S. universities to form a Ukrainian Task Force.

Dr. Natalia Safonova, professor of English at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

We all know that words are cheap. So let's do something. The Ukrainian Task Force is exactly about this.

Dr. Taras Panchenko, Head of the Computer Science Department at Taras Shevchenko National University

The (UTF) is not just about support between educators. It's support between our nations. 

Dr. Hanna Shchutska, Director of the Kyiv College of Light Industry

The Ukraine Task Force is a sign we are not alone. We have allies and friends. It is an inspiration for us to keep our enthusiasm, to keep going, to keep fighting.   

Roman Dadak, Director of the Technological College of the National Forestry University

Ukraine Task Force News

  • Head of Nobel Peace Prize-winning human rights organization to visit FSU

    Oleksandra Matviichuk, one of the most prominent human rights defenders in Ukraine and head of the Center for Civil Liberties (CCL), will be presenting at Florida State University. CCL is the first Ukrainian organization to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, which it won in 2022.

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  • 2024 Ukraine Task Force Annual Report

    In 2024, the Ukraine Task Force leveraged the strength and expertise of our university to extend a hand of support to Ukrainian academics and higher education institutions during this incredibly difficult time. 

    Read the Annual Report

  • FSU's Ukraine Task Force Is Making A Direct Impact On Programs For Ukrainian Military Veterans

    Dr. Vilma Fuentes spent almost two weeks in Ukraine, meeting with members of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's Office and other Ukrainian political and educational leaders.ca

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  • FSU Students Collaborate With Peers In Ukraine On Hack-a-Thon

    “Hack Disaster: The International Hackathon to Rebuild Cities,” was hosted by the FSU Innovation Hub in collaboration with FSU’s Ukraine Task Force and the Ukrainian-based organization Hackathon Expert Group.

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  • Dr. Romanova Talks To Students At The Dedman College Of Hospitality

    The lecture focused on utilizing tourism and travel not only as entertainment but also as a tool for the recovery of disaster-affected areas.

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  • FSU’s Ukraine Task Force Hosted Ukrainian Delegation From Nizhyn, Ukraine

    FSU's UTF hosted six visitors from Nizhyn, Ukraine, affiliated with the Nizhyn Lyceum (magnet high school), a historic institution founded in the 19th century.

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  • International Hackathon To Partner Ukrainian And FSU Students

    An online Hackathon for students at Florida State University (FSU) and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (KNU) to respond to the rise of natural and manmade disasters in the 21st century.

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  • FSU’s Success Working With Veterans Makes An Impact On Ukrainian Educators

    Florida State University's Ukraine Task Force hosted 14 educators from Ukraine this summer. An area that resonated strongly with the groups that visited FSU was the university's commitment to veteran success and the programs that support that goal.

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  • UTF Members Join Local Ukrainian Independence Day Celebration

    Members of Florida State's Ukraine Task Force joined with more than 150 people to celebrate Ukrainian Independence Day in Tallahassee. 

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  • Ukrainian Educators Visit FSU To Learn About Serving Military Veterans

    In early August 2024, FSU’s Ukraine Task Force welcomed nine senior higher education leaders from Ukraine. Eight members of these groups were alumni of two U.S. Department of State-sponsored Community College Administrator Program (CCAP) implemented in 2016 and 2018. 

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  • BridgeUSA Ukrainian Fellows Leave FSU With Collaborative Relationships

    Florida State University became the first American university to host fellows from the BridgeUSA Ukrainian Academic Fellows program. After one month of working in partnership with FSU's Ukraine Task Force, the four Ukrainian fellows left Tallahassee enriched personally and professionally.

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  • FSU welcomes BridgeUSA Fellows from Ukraine

    Florida State University is hosting four academic fellows from Ukraine for a monthlong visit through the BridgeUSA Ukrainian Academic Fellows Program

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  • Connections Formed During CCAP Keep LSI Connected To Ukraine

    For ten years, Florida State University's Learning Systems Institute has administered the Community College Administrator Program in partnership with Santa Fe College, 15 CCAPs have been held for 15 countries. Two of those groups were community college administrators from Ukraine

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  • Dr. Paziuk Delivers An Important Message As A Guest Of Ukraine Task Force

    Dr. Andrii Paziuk had many reasons to accept the invitation from FSU's Ukraine Task Force and travel to Tallahassee. He came to establish relationships for future collaborations, connect with colleagues, and, more importantly, share a message.

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  • Ukrainian Cybersecurity Law Expert Makes Most Of FSU Visit

    Florida State University’s Ukraine Task Force (UTF) hosted Andrii Paziuk, a professor of international and comparative law at the National Aviation University in Kyiv, Ukraine.

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  • Dr. Romanova Looking To The Future Working With Ukraine Task Force

    Dr. Anna Romanova, a former member of the Ukrainian Parliament, has joined the Learning Systems Institute at Florida State University. As a researcher, Dr. Romanova utilizes her passion, expertise, and network to inform FSU's Ukraine Task Force.

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  • FSU's Ukraine Task Force Holds Vyshyvanka Day Celebration

    Florida State University’s Ukraine Task Force and the Center for Global Engagement held a celebration for Vyshyvanka Day Wednesday, May 15, in The Globe Auditorium

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  • How FSU’s Ukraine Task Force Is Making A Difference

    As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine wages on, faculty and researchers at Florida State University are continuing to develop ways to support education in the country through FSU’s Ukraine Task Force. 

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  • Dr. Fuentes Named Program Director Of FSU Ukraine Task Force

    As the newly appointed Program Director for FSU's Ukraine Task Force, Dr. Fuentes is responsible for facilitating connections between Ukrainian universities and FSU faculty. 

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FSU's Ukraine Task Force