Dr. Paziuk Delivers An Important Message As A Guest Of FSU’s Ukraine Task Force

June 22, 2024

"Dr. Paziuk and Dr. Romanova pose with a Ukrainian flag in front of the Unconquered statute on the FSU campus."

Dr. Andrii Paziuk had many reasons to accept the invitation from FSU's Ukraine Task Force and travel to Tallahassee. He came to establish relationships for future collaborations, connect with colleagues in cybersecurity, human rights law, and science and technology, find opportunities for students in Ukraine, and, more importantly, share a message.

"We think, sometimes, in Ukraine that this support (from America) might be stopped, and we are so afraid of being left alone," said Dr. Paziuk. "We are so proud to be defenders, but we can't do it alone."

Dr. Jim Clark, FSU's Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, established Florida State's Ukraine Task Force (UTF) to support Ukrainian colleges and universities, explore areas of research or grant collaboration, educate students about Ukraine, and serve the community. On his visit to FSU, Dr. Paziuk had the opportunity to share his experiences living through Russia's invasion of Ukraine with faculty, staff, and students.

"I am telling from my own perspective," recounted Dr. Paziuk after speaking with students in FSU's Global Perspectives class. "I've experienced this disaster, and I think this personal story is so important. I think that the lecture today for students was important."

Dr. Paziuk is an international and comparative law professor at the National Aviation University in Kyiv, Ukraine. He specializes in cybersecurity, technology, and human rights law. Since 2023, he has been a non-residential research fellow at Charles Sturt University's Artificial Intelligence and Cyberfutures Institute in Sydney, Australia. He is an alum of the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program and has been a legal advisor to the Government of Ukraine for the last fifteen years.

While visiting FSU, Dr. Paziuk met with faculty and staff from the College of Communication and Information, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Information Technology Office, Center for Global Engagement, Learning Systems Institute, National High Field Magnetic Laboratory, and College of Law.

Dr. Vilma Fuentes, Program Director of FSU's UTF, arranged Dr. Paziuk's visit. She organized meetings with Dr. Clark, Dr. Michael Shatruk, Director of the FSU Quantum Initiative, Dr. Michelle Kazmer, the Dean of the College of Communication and Information, Dr. Bill Hunkapillar, FSU's Chief Information Security Officer, Dr. Laura Greene, Chief Scientist of the FSU Mag Lab, Terry Coonan, Executive Director for the FSU Center for the Advancement of Human Rights, and may other FSU faulty.

"It is important to note that this program provides an opportunity," said Dr. Paizuk when asked about the UTF. "For Florida State University and a counterpart to exchange and to collaborate on research projects and to enrich each other with knowledge, skills, and sharing the Ukrainian experience in time of war is unique."

While the week-long trip provided invaluable discussions on ways Florida State and universities in Ukraine could collaborate and the shared interests and goals of both, Dr. Paziuk hopes his week-long visit results in even more critical accomplishments.

"Peace and security, that is our goal and prosperity. Economic prosperity," said Dr. Paziuk. "Well-being, not to be suffering, not to be killed. I think it is a joint human desire to live in peace in your life."

For additional information on the Florida State University Ukraine Task Force, please visit LSI.FSU.edu or email Dr. Vilma Fuentes at vilma.fuentes@fsu.edu.