Celia Reddick, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Education and International Development FSU ELPS
Head shot of LSI employee Celia Reddick, Ph.D.

Celia Reddick, Ph.D.



Harvard University, May 2022    
Department: Education
Concentration: Cultures, Institutions, and Society
Dissertation: “Language for an Unknowable Future: How language ideologies and pedagogies shape the lives of refugee children” 
Committee: Sarah Dryden-Peterson (Chair), Lesley Bartlett, Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot, Paola Uccelli


Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE), May 2015
Concentration: International Education Policy


Lehman College/NYC Teaching Fellows Program, Bronx, NY, June 2008
Concentration: TESOL


Wesleyan University, May 2006
College of Letters & German Studies

Dr. Celia Reddick holds a joint appointment as an assistant professor of Education and International Development in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies in the Florida State University College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences and in the Learning Systems Institute.

Dr. Reddick’s research focuses on education in settings of conflict and forced migration. Through a comparative lens, she examines the work of teachers, families, and international organizations in creating educational opportunity for young people experiencing conflict and displacement. Her research is shaped by nearly 20 years of experience as a teacher, teacher-trainer, and international education consultant across contexts. Her research has been funded by the Spencer Foundation and the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University, among others, and has received multiple awards, including the Bridging the Gap Policy Outreach Award from American University. Dr. Reddick’s work is published in a variety of venues including the Comparative Education Review and the Journal of Refugee Studies. She earned her PhD in Education from Harvard University, where she also earned a master’s degree in International Education Policy.

Dr. Celia Reddick CV

Professional Appointments

2024- Assistant Professor, Education and International Development Department of Education Leadership and Policy Studies & Learning Systems Institute, Florida State University

2023-2024 Visiting Assistant Professor, Lynch School of Education and Human Development, Boston College

Adjunct Lecturer, Harvard Graduate School of Education

2022-2023 Lecturer on Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education Faculty Lead, Chen Yidan Visiting Global Fellows Program, Harvard Graduate School of Education Fellow, Refugee REACH, Harvard Graduate School of Education 
2019-2022 Instructor in Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education

    Selected Conference Presentations

    • Panels Organized


      Power, Positionality, and Reciprocity in Comparative and International Education Research: Puzzles for emerging scholars and graduate programs.


      Language and learning in multilingual classrooms: Exploring learning outcomes, classroom pedagogy, and language policies in linguistically diverse communities around the world, Comparative and International Education Society Conference, Virtual.



      Language within and across borders: language and education for Sudanese and South Sudanese learners at home and in exile, African Studies Association (canceled due to COVID-19).


      Papers Presented


      Refugee education and parents’ daily acts of protest. Comparative and International Education Society, Miama, Florida.


      “Instruction is in English and they’re not understanding anything”: Programmatic aspirations and a funnelling toward English. UKFIET Conference, Virtual.


      “When I go to meet my parents, which language am I going to speak with them?”: Language ideologies, mobile speech, and refugee children’s future-building in exile, American Anthropological Association, Seattle, WA.


      Work within the system, bend the system, remake the system: How educators navigate educational inclusion in multilingual schools serving refugee and national students, Comparative and International Education Society, Virtual.


      Language for an unknowable future: How language ideologies and pedagogies shape the lives of refugee children, American Education Research Association, NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellows invited poster session. [Declined due to pandemic]


      Centering the aspirations of refugees in language-in-education policies and practices, American Association for Applied Linguistics, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. [Declined due to pandemic]


      ‘After reading the question, take it back home’: Opportunities for education policy reform in multilingual urban schools serving refugee and national students, American Political Science Association, Virtual.



      Language for an Unknowable Future: Language of instruction and refugee children’s experiences of exile, Language and Migration: Experience and Memory, Princeton University, Virtual.



      Examining issues of language and displacement through the comparative case study analysis, Comparative and International Education Society Conference, Virtual.



      After reading the question, take it back home’: Teachers’ pedagogical strategies with refugee and national students in linguistically diverse classrooms, Comparative and International Education Society Conference, Virtual.



      Language for an Unknowable Future: Language of instruction and refugee children’s experiences of exile, Refugee Education: Building Durable Futures? (REBuilD) Academic Workshop, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), Virtual. 



      ‘Without the language you cannot be identified’: Refugee children’s sense of belonging in exile, American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver.



      Language of instruction and implications for inequality: Examining Reform Efforts in Tanzania and Rwanda, Comparative and International Education Society Conference, Mexico City.





      Illuminating language-in-education policy change in Senegal, Comparative and International Education Society, Virtual.


    Professional Memberships or Affiliations

    American Anthropological Association

    American Association of Applied Linguistics

    American Education Research Association

    Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), Language SIG; Africa and African Diaspora SIG; Education, Conflict, and Emergencies SIG


    Research Experience


    LEGO Foundation, Billund, Denmark

    Playful Learning in Conflict Settings

    Research Consultant



    World Education, Cambridge, MA, USA

    Education for displacement youth in Ethiopia

    Research Consultant



    RTI International, Nairobi, Kenya

    Evaluation of Tusome Early Grade Reading in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya

    Research Consultant



    United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Geneva, Switzerland

    Global mapping of language issues for refugees

    Research Consultant



    World Education, Cambridge, MA, USA

    Refugee education concept note development

    Research Consultant



    Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, MA, USA

    Diaspora Involvement in Educational Development in Conflict-Affected Settings

    Research Assistant to Sarah Dryden-Peterson



    Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA

    Philips Brooks House Association

    Research Assistant



    Save the Children-University Partnership (SUPER), Kigali, Rwanda

    Assessment of local literacy practices in Rwanda 

    Research Fellow


    Service to Profession


    Program Co-Chair, Language Issues SIG, Comparative and International Education Society

    Member, Education, Conflict, and Emergencies SIG, Comparative and International Education Society




    Reviewer for AERA International Studies SIG & Division G (Social Contexts in Education)

    Affiliate, REACH (Research, Education, and Action for Refugees) 


    Reviewer for Journal of Education in Emergencies, Race and Social Problems, Language and Education, Comparative Education Review, Education and Conflict Review, Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice; Refuge: Canada’s Journal on Refugees; Anthropology and Education Quarterly


    Awards Coordinator, Education, Conflict, and Emergencies SIG, Comparative and International Education Society


    Senior Editor, Harvard Educational Review


    Co-Chair, Harvard Educational Review


    Editor, Harvard Educational Review


    University Service


    Organizer, Panel on the Academic Job Market for Doctoral Students, Boston College


    Member, Equity and Opportunity Faculty, Harvard Graduate School of Education


    Academic Advisor to Graduate Students, Education Policy Analysis & Human Development and Learning Departments, Harvard Graduate School of Education  


    Faculty Advisor, Senior Thesis in Social Studies, Harvard College


    Member, Research Doctorate Advisory Committee, Harvard Graduate School of Education


    PhD representative to the Visiting Committee for Accreditation, Harvard Graduate School of Education


    Community Outreach


    Board Member, MoveUp Global, Rwanda


    Founder & Director, Nkondo Enrichment Program, Rwanda

    Academic Publications

    Peer-Reviewed Publications


    Reddick, C. Concerted community engagement: Refugee education and parents’ daily acts of resistance. Social Sciences. 
    https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci13090440 [Open Access - download here]


    Reddick, C. How educators navigate language ideology and pedagogy in refugee education. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. https://doi.org/10.1080/13670050.2024.2318443


    Reddick, C. Language learning opportunities and challenges for refugee children and families. Handbook of Refugee Education: Comparative Perspectives, Innovations, and New Directions.


    Reddick, C. Who can participate, where, and how?: Implications of language-in-education policies and practices for refugee inclusion. Journal of Refugee Studies. fead009, https://doi.org/10.1093/jrs/fead009


    Reddick, C., & Chopra, V. Language considerations in refugee education: Languages for opportunity, connection, and roots. Language and Education, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1080/09500782.2021.1983588


    Piper, B., Dryden-Peterson, S., Chopra, V. & Reddick, C., Oyanga, A. Are Refugee Children Learning? Early Grade Literacy in a Refugee Camp in Kenya. Journal on Education in Emergencies. 5,(2), 70-107.


    Dryden-Peterson, S. & Reddick, C. “What I Believe Can Rescue That Nation”: Diaspora Working to Transform Education in Fragility and Conflict. Comparative Education Review, 63(2), 213-235.


    Dryden-Peterson, S. & Reddick, C. “When I am a President of Guinea”: Resettled Refugees Traversing Education in Search of a Future. European Education. 49(4), 253-275. DOI: 10.1080/10564934.2017.1344865


    Manuscripts in Submission


    Dryden-Peterson, S., Piper, B., Reddick, C., Chopra, V., & Oyanga, A. Navigating the Present and the Future: Language Choice in Refugee Education.


    Manuscripts in Preparation


    Reddick, C. “When I go to meet my parents, which language am I going to speak with them?”: Language ideologies, mobile speech, and refugee children’s future-building in exile.


    Reddick, C. How decisions are made: Refugee education, isomorphism, and a funnelling toward English


    Reddick, C., Shepherd, D., Salem, H. & Jonathan, O. Power, Positionality, and Reciprocity in Comparative and International Education Research:

    Puzzles for emerging scholars


    Book Chapters


    Reddick, C. & Dryden-Peterson. S. Refugee Education and Medium of Instruction: Tensions in Theory, Policy and Practice. In C. Benson & K. Kosonen (Eds.), Language Issues in Comparative Education: Policy and practice in multilingual education based on non-dominant languages. Boston: Brill Sense. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004449671


    Book Reviews


    Reddick, C. “The Newcomers: Finding Refuge, Friendship, and Hope in an American Classroom.” Harvard Educational Review, 88(4), 602-605.


    Reddick, C. “Learning as Development: Rethinking International Education in a Changing World.” Harvard Educational Review, 88, (2), 250-254.


    Reddick, C. “Liberating Minds: The Case for College in Prison [Book Review].” Harvard Educational Review, 87, (2), 297-300. 


    Other Publications


    Reddick, C. Teachers of Refugees: Toward an inclusive approach. NORRAG Policy Insights Publication on Refugee Teachers. https://www.norrag.org/policy-insights-launch-refugee-teachers-the-heart-of-the-global-refugee-response/


    Reddick, C. “Ms. Isabel, Kampala, Uganda.” In Pedagogies of Belonging: Educators Building Welcoming Communities in Settings of Conflict and Migration. S. Dryden-Peterson and H. Mariën. (Eds). Refugee REACH, Harvard Graduate School of Education: Cambridge, www.reach.gse.harvard.edu.


    Reddick, C. Navigating Ethical Dilemmas in Education in Emergencies (EiE): A Compendium of Vignettes for Research and Practice. In Mendenhall, M., Chopra, V., and Bazlen, R. (Eds). Teachers College, Columbia University.


    Dryden-Peterson, Sarah, Elizabeth Adelman, Sagra Alvarado, Katelin Anderson, Michelle J. Bellino, Ranya Brooks, Sayeda Unsa Shah Bukhari, Elizabeth Cao, Vidur Chopra, Zuhra Faizi, Ben Gulla, Dahlia Maarouf, Celia Reddick, Ben Scherrer, Elizabeth Smoake, and Elli Suzuki. “Inclusion of Refugees in National Education Systems. Background paper prepared for the Global Education Monitoring Report 2019: Migration, Education, and Displacement.” Paris: UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report.


    Fried, S., Goldstine-Cole, K., Reddick, C., & Yoshizawa, L. “At the Nexus of Education and Incarceration: Four Voices from the Field.” Harvard Educational Review, 87(2), 260-277.


    Honors and Awards


    Bridging the Gap Policy Outreach Award, American University


    Outstanding Dissertation Award, Language Issues SIG, Comparative and International Education Society


    Honorable Mention, Gail P. Kelly Dissertation Award, Comparative and International Education Society


    Travel Award, Council on Anthropology and Education/Studies in Educational Ethnography


    Dissertation Fellowship Award, National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation


    Doctoral Professional Development Grant, Harvard Graduate School of Education


    Doctoral Dissertation Grant, The International Research Foundation (TIRF) for English Language Education


    Merit Travel Grant, Comparative and International Education Society (CIES)


    Honorable Mention, George Bereday Paper Award, Comparative and International Education Society (CIES)


    Graduate Student Affiliate, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University


    Dissertation Research and Writing Grant, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University


    Mid-Dissertation Grant, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University


    Merit Research Fellowship, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

    2019, 2020

    Professional Development Fund, Harvard University


    Course Enhancement Grant, African Studies Center, Boston University


    Sheldon Traveling Fellowship, Harvard University


    Doctoral Travel Grant, Harvard Graduate School of Education


    Graduate Student Council Conference Grant, Harvard University


    Heideman Award for Contribution to the Student Body, Wesleyan University

    2005, 2006

    Blankanegal Prize for Excellence in German, Wesleyan University