Youngran Kim

Youngran Kim
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Ph.D., Educational Policy, August 2018
Specialization: Economics of Education
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
M.A., Educational Psychology, Measurement, and Evaluation, May 2013
Dr. Kim Loves Working With A Community At LSI That Is Motivated By Making An Impact
Professional Experiences
Research Faculty/Evaluation Specialist Learning Systems Institute Florida State University
Research Associate USAID Empowered Youth Michigan State University
Postdoctoral Fellow Martin School of Public Policy and Administration University of Kentucky The Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education
Research Associate Center for P-20 Engagement, Northern Illinois University
Journal Articles
Kim,Y & Zimmer, R. (2023) Is Reputational Pressure Enough to Create Competitive School Choice Effects? Evidence from Seoul’s School Choice Policy. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness
Chudgar, A., Kim, Y., Morley, A., & Sakamoto, J. (2019). Association between Completing Secondary Education and Adulthood Outcomes in Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda. International Journal of Educational Development
Kim, Y. (2018) The Effects of School Choice on Achievement Gaps between Private and Public High Schools: Evidence from the Seoul School Choice Program. International Journal of Educational Development
Kim, Y. (2018). Privatization and School Practices: Evidence from Seoul’s High School Choice Program. International Journal of Educational Development
Kim, Y. (2017). Does Autonomy over Teacher Hiring Affect Student Math and Science Achievement? Education Economics
*Darolia, R. & Kim, Y. (2023) Postsecondary Certificates and Faculty Composition. The TIAA institute
*Darolia, R., Guo, C, Kim, Y., (2022). The Earnings and Employment of Certificate Earners in Kentucky. The Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education
*Darolia, R., Kim, Y. (2021). Who Earns Undergraduate Certificates in Kentucky? The Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education
*Darolia, R., Kim, Y. (2021). Trends in Certificate Awards, 2005-06 to 2018-19. The Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education
Creed, B., Kim, Y., Klein, J., Summers, K. H., Pavkov, T., & Rosemond, C. (2020). A Data Overview of Prevention Initiative and Preschool for All Programs in Illinois from 2012-2018. Northern Illinois University: P-20 Research & Data Collaborative.
Pavkov, T., Summers, K. H., Klein, J., Creed, B., Rosemond, C., Clemens, A.J., Granger, K., Kim, Y., Ascencio, A., Collins, B. & Bergquist, E. (2020). Preschool Development Grant Expansion: A Descriptive Study in Illinois. Northern Illinois University: P-20 Research & Data Collaborative.
Chudgar, A., Bezem, P., Kim, Y., Morley, A., & Sakamoto, J. (2016). Factors Associated with Secondary Education Access in India, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda: Analysis of the Demographic and Health Survey Data. submitted to the MacArthur Foundation
Chudgar, A., Bezem, P., Kim, Y., Morley, A., & Sakamoto, J. (2016). Secondary Education and Select Adulthood Outcomes in India, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda: Analysis of the Demographic and Health Survey Data. submitted to the MacArthur Foundation
Selected Projects
Evaluation of the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program. Florida Department of Education, 2024
Empowered Youth in Kenya, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), 2023
Postsecondary Credentials in Kentucky, Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education, 2022
The Labor Market Returns to Short-Term Credentials, Arnold Ventures Grant, 2021
Credentials, COVID-19, and the Higher Education Workforce, TIAA Institute Grant, 2021
Data FIRST: Analysis of the Prevention Initiative and Preschool for All Programs, Illinois State Board of Education, 2018
Early Childhood Pre-School Development Expansion Grant Evaluation, Illinois State Board of Education, 2018
Partnership to Strengthen Innovation and Practice in Secondary Education, Improving access and retention in secondary education in PSIPSE countries: What can we learn from existing large-scale resources? MacArthur Foundation, 2015
Professional Association memberships
Comparative and International Education Society
American Educational Research Association
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management