Jeffrey Garis, Ph.D.

LSI Faculty Affiliate
Head shot of Dr. Jeffrey Garis

Jeffrey Garis, Ph.D.



Counselor Education, The Pennsylvania State University, (August, 1982).  Doctoral Thesis:  The Integration of a Computer-Based Guidance System in a College Counseling Center:  A Comparison of the Effects of DISCOVER and Individual Counseling Upon Career Planning.




Counselor Education, The Pennsylvania State University, (May, 1973).




Psychology, The Pennsylvania State University, (May, 1971).



Licensed Psychologist – Pennsylvania


Courtesy Faculty Member, Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems. The Florida State University.  2014-Present

Serve as the faculty instructor for MHS 6805 (Advanced Doctoral Individual and Group Counseling Psychology Practicum); MHS 6300 (Theories of Vocational Behavior-Doctoral Level); MHS 5341 (Career Development Program Design & Evaluation); MHS 5801 (Practicum in Counseling and Rehabilitation); SDS 5820 (Career Counseling Internship); conduct eight international career center development consultations in the Philippines through a USAID project.


Senior Director, Career Services, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.  2011-Retired effective August 1, 2014.

Overall administration of Career Services that provides University-wide career counseling, programming and employment recruiting services; total staff of 30 –eighteen professional and 12 administrative support staff; approximately 25 graduate assistants, graduate-level practicum/intern students and undergraduate peer career student assistants work in the Career Center each year; operating budget is over $300,000 and salaries total over $1million annually; corporate fundraising accounts for over $200,000. 


Professor, Counselor Education, The Pennsylvania State University.  2011-2014

Served as the faculty instructor for CN ED 595P (Doctoral Counselor Education Practicum) spring semester 2012; Served as the instructor for CN ED 555 (Career Development) fall semester 2012 and 2013.


Director, Career Center, The Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL.  1992–2011

Overall administration of the Career Center that provides University-wide career counseling/advising, programming, internship and employment recruiting services; total staff of 25 –five faculty, fourteen professional and eight clerical; approximately 50 graduate assistants, graduate-level practicum students and undergraduate student assistants work in the Career Center each year; operating budget is over $300,000 and salaries total over $1million annually.  Corporate fundraising accounts for approximately $200,000 in additional funds annually. Career Center units include Curricular Career Information Service (CCIS), the Center for the Study of Technology in Counseling and Career Development (Tech Center), Career Experience Opportunities (CEO) and Employer Relations Services (ERS) with a satellite office in the College  Engineering under the administration of the Career Center; annual service activity includes approximately 1,100 on-campus recruiting employers; eight university-wide career expositions; 12,000 advising/counseling clients; 250 mock interviews; 250 internship placements; 400 outreach programs to 20,000 participants; 300 student enrollments in credit career classes; and 12,000 career portfolio student users.


Courtesy Faculty Member, Psychological Services in Education (PSE), The FloridaStateUniversity1995-2011


Serve as the faculty instructor for MHS 6805 (Advanced Doctoral Individual and Group Counseling Psychology Practicum) each spring semester;

Serve as the instructor for MHS  6600 (Consultation & Organizational Development) summers; served as instructor and MHS 5340 (Foundations of Career Development).


Psychologist, (Part-time Private Practice), George Hromnak, M.D., Psychiatrist and Elaine Johnson, Ph.D., Psychologist Associates, 137 S. Pugh Street, Suite 4, The Glennland Building, State College, PA 16801.  1988-1992


Provided a range of psychological and career development services including:  individual counseling, adolescents, career counseling and assessment, outplacement consultation, stress management and human resource development for business and industry as well as counselor in-service training in higher education.


Associate Director, Counseling and Programming, Career Development and Placement Services (CDPS), The Pennsylvania State University.  1989–1992


Supervision, training, and evaluation of eight professional staff (three assistant directors and five counselors), six graduate assistants primarily from the APA approved Counseling Psychology doctoral program, and three clerical staff assigned to CDPS counseling and programming services; directed and managed all CDPS counseling and programming services to students, alumni, and university employees including intake counseling, individual and group counseling, computer-assisted assessment, the Career Information Center, seminars, workshops, outreach programs, non-technical programming, and career courses for credit; served as the CDPS staff liaison to the Smeal College of Business Administration (SCBA).  SCBA was one of the heaviest users of CDPS services among Penn State’s 10 Colleges – typically over 8,000 on-campus interviews and over 2,000 counseling appointments per year were completed by SCBA students; assisted nine Commonwealth Educational System (CES) campuses (Eastern PA) in the administration and evaluation of counseling and placement programs and services.


Affiliate Faculty and Member of the Graduate Faculty, Division of Counseling and Educational Psychology, The Pennsylvania State University.  1984–1992


Served as adviser and/or faculty member on doctoral committees for students enrolled in Penn State’s APA approved Ph.D. program in Counseling Psychology; served as the instructor for Counselor Education 505 “Foundations of Career Development Theory and Counseling Information” – a required three-credit course for all Masters and Doctoral graduate students enrolled in the Counselor Education Student Personnel administration option; coordinated, selected, trained and supervised instructors for Liberal Arts 100 – Personal and Career Decision Making; five sections of this credit course (40 students/section) were offered during the academic year.


Assistant Director for Counseling, Career Development Placement Services, The Pennsylvania State University.  



Planning and management of all CDPS career counseling services; in-service training of full-time staff, graduate assistants, and part-time staff participating in counseling functions; selection and procurement of psychometric instruments used in connection with career development services.


Coordinator of Placement Services for Nontechnical Majors, Career Development and Placement Services, The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity1981–1984


Served as liaison for CDPS with the College of Arts and Architecture, Human Development; and Liberal Arts; development and delivery of programs which serve the career-related needs of students enrolled in nontechnical colleges of the University; consultation and training of faculty/staff regarding college student development and instruction of credit courses; organizing and implementing an experiential education program; coordinating additional placement services for students in nontechnical majors.


                            Counselor, Career Development and Placement, The Pennsylvania State                                                                                                                                                                                             -                           University 1973-1980


Individual and group counseling regarding career planning and implementation; development and delivery of career education outreach programs; instruction of academic courses dealing with topics such as personal  and career decision making and career implementation; supervision of doctoral graduate assistant counselors; coordination of CDPS outreach programs provided to over 20,000 students per year.


Adviser, Freshman Testing, Counseling and Advising Program, Division of Counseling, The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity1973


Counseling, advisement, and test interpretation to students and their parents prior to freshman registration at the University.


Graduate Assistant, Department of Counselor Education, The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity1972


Development of a library of psychological and educational measures for use in the department; academic advisement of undergraduate students majoring in Rehabilitation Education; assisted the department head, Dr. Edwin Herr, in research activities related to career education.


Management Trainee, Internship, Office of Chief Statistician, AT&T, Bell of Pennsylvania1970


Marketing research – development and implementation of research concerning the effectiveness of the company’s advertising campaign in the Philadelphia area.




  • American Psychological Association (APA),

Division 17, Counseling Psychology

  • Florida Career Professionals’ Association (FCPA)
  • Florida Career Centers’ Consortium (FCC)  
  • National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE)
  • National Career Development Association (NCDA)
  • National University Network of CareerCenter Directors (UN)
  • Southeastern Association of Colleges and Employers (SACE)
  • Pennsylvania Psychological Association (PPA)


Garis, J.W., Peace, C.S. & Milligan, J.A. (2020) Applications of CIP Theory in the Philippines. Career Development Network Journal. 35(4). 66-81.


Garis, J.W, and Li, Yaoshan Ivy (2015).Using the strong interest inventory to assist college students with their career decisions. Career Planning and Adult Development Journal.


Hoover, M., Lenz, J. & Garis, J. (2013) Employer Relations and Recruitment: An Essential Part     of Postsecondary Career Services. Broken Arrow, OK: National Career Development    Monograph Series.


Garis, J.W. (2013). The value proposition. In E. Contomanolis and T. Steinfeld (Eds.). Leadership in Career Services: Voices from the Field. Seattle, WA: Createspace, Amazon.


Garis, J. W., Lenz, J.G. and Reardon, R. C. (2011) Current status and future development of    

career centers in the United States. Asian Journal of Counselling. Special Issue: US  Career Centers.


Garis, J. W. and Dalton J. (Eds.). (2007). Emerging ePortfolios: Opportunities for Student                       

Affairs. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.


Garis, J. W. (2007).  ePortfolios: concepts, designs and integration within student affairs. In J.

W. Garis and J. Dalton (Eds.), Emerging ePortfolios: Opportunities for Student Affairs.

San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.


Garis, J.W., Dalton, J.C., Akin, G.A. and Wang, H. (2003) Developing a model  

for career services in the People’s Republic of China. NACE Journal.

National Association of Colleges and Employers. Fall, 26-30.


Lumsden, J., Garis, J., Reardon, R., Unger, M. and Arkin, S. (2001).  A

blueprint for building an on-line career portfolio.  Journal of Career

Planning and Employment, National Association of Colleges and

Employers (NACE).


Vernick, S., Garis, J. and Reardon, R. (2000).  Integrating service teaching and

research in a comprehensive university career center.  Career Planning

and Adult Development Journal, 16(1), 7-24.


Herr, E. . Rayman, J. R. and Garis, J. W. (1993).  Handbook for the College and

University Career Center, Westport, CT:  Greenwood Publishing Group.


Garis, J. W. and Niles, S. G. (1990).  The separate and combined effects of

SIGI and DISCOVER and a career planning course on undecided

university students.  Career Development Quarterly, 38, 261-274.


Niles, S. G. and Garis, J. W. (1990).  The effects of a career planning course

and a computer-assisted career guidance program (SIGI Plus) on

undecided university students.  Journal of Career Development, 16 (4) 237-248.


Garis, J. W. and Hess, H. R. (1989).  Comparing effects of Career Navigator and

a credit course on college student job search progress, Career

Development Quarterly, 38, 65-74.


Rayman, J. R. and Garis, J. W. (1989).  Counseling and the freshman

Experience.  In M. L. Upcraft and J. N. Gardner (Eds.), Enhancing

success in the first year of college:  The freshman year experience, San

Francisco:  Jossey-Bass, pp. 129-142.


Garis, J. W., Hess, H. R. and Marron, D. J. (1985).  Curriculum counts – for

liberal arts students seeking business careers, Journal of College

Placement, Winter (2), 39-44.

Garis, J. W., Hess, H. R. (1985).  A career interview program for liberal arts

students seeking business careers, Journal of College Placement, Winter

(2), 39-44.


Garis, J. W., & Bowlsbey, J. H. (1984, December).  DISCOVER and the

counselor:  Their effects upon college student career planning progress. 

ACT Research Report (No. 85).


Garis, J. W., Hess, H. R., Shelton, T. O., Slick, J. M., & Swails, R. G. (1981).

On-campus recruiting:  How employers screen and select students,

Journal of College Placement, Summer (4), 45-47.


            Principal Investigator, Coalition for Careers, A federal grant through the

            Department of Education to develop career services for students with

            disabilities; $327,000 ($109,000) annually, (1993-96).

Editorial Work

            Select Panel of Reviewers, Career Development Quarterly (1988-91).


Faculty Advisor, Golden Key International Honor Society, FSU Chapter, 2002-2011.

Faculty, Career Services Institute (CSI)-East, Summers, 2007 - 2014.

Faculty Member for Technological Applications to Career Services, National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Management Leadership Institute, July, 2002.

Elected as Executive Board Member, Director, Consulting Services, Southern Association of Colleges and Employers (SACE), 2002-2003.

Treasurer, Florida Career Professionals Association (FCPA), 2002-2006

Chair and Treasurer, Florida Career Center Consortium of directors, 1998-2001.

Inventor, FSU on-line Career Portfolio (Patent Pending)

One of seven career center directors that lead development of NACElink, a national college student recruiting system. In addition to FSU, the other six universities were: UCLA; University of California, Berkeley; University of California, San Diego; University of Florida; University of Pennsylvania; YaleUniversity.

Conference Presentations

            “Developing Career Centers in the Philippines: A USAID STRIDE Project” Asian-Pacific

            Career Development Association (APCDA), Manila, Philippines, May, 2017           


           “Competencies Task Force”    National Association of Colleges & Employers (NACE)

              Las Vegas, NV, June 2012.


            “Evaluation of Career Centers”, National Association of Colleges & Employers (NACE)

             New York City, May, 2007.


              Masters Series Invited Speaker, “Preparing for the External Review”

            Southern Association of Colleges and Employers (SACE) Annual

            Conference, Atlanta, GA, December, 2006.


          “Implementation of an ePortfolio as a University-wide Program” European Institute for                                        

              eLeaning (EIfEL), Oxford, UK, October, 2006


          “Graduate Counseling Programs and Career Centers: Opportunities for

            Collaboration” National Career Development Association (NCDA) Annual

            Conference, Orlando, FL, June, 2005


            Masters Series Invited Speaker, “ePortfolios to Demonstrate Student

            Learning” Southern Association of Colleges and Employers (SACE),

            Miami, FL, December, 2005.


            ‘Reactions to the Latest Job Search Tool: Online Portfolios” Midwest ACE,

            Chicago, IL, November, 2004.


            Featured Speaker, “Models for the Delivery of Career Services: Past,

            Present and Future” National Career Development Association (NCDA),

            Denver, CO, June, 2003.


“NACElink: A New National Recruiting Paradigm Shift” Southern Association of Colleges and Employers (SACE) Annual Conference, Jacksonville, FL, December, 2002.


“Developing a Career Portfolio” National Academic Advising Association (NACADA),

Ottawa, Canada, October, 2001.


“On-Line Career Portfolio:  Powerful Tools for Colleges and Employers”
National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE)

            National Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, May, 2001.

            “Connecting Students and Employers:  FSU’s On-Line Career Portfolio,”

            Southern Association of Colleges and Employers (SACE) Annual

            Conference, St. Petersburg, FL, December, 2000.


            “Career Development Interventions:  A Competency-Based Approach,”

            National Guidance Counsellors Association of Jamaica and Jamaican

            National Training Agency, Kingston, Jamaica, February, 1999.


            “Career Services Benchmarking,” Florida Cooperative Education and

            Placement Association Annual Conference, Sand Key, FL, June, 1998.


          “Using Readiness Assessment to Improve the Quality of Career Services,”

            Florida Cooperative Education and Placement Association, Deerfield

            Beach, FL, June, 1997.


            “Career Exploration and Job Satisfaction:  Their Role in a Healthy

            Lifestyle,” Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association Statewide

                Prevention Conference, Orlando, FL, April, 1994.


            “A Training Model for Multicultural Counseling,” NCDA National

            Conference, San Antonio, TX, January, 1992.


            “How College Majors and Career Information Can Enhance Students’

            College Awareness and Motivation,” The College Board, Philadelphia, PA,

            January, 1992.


            “Symposium:  Computer-Assisted Career Guidance Research”

            International Teleconference on Technology and Career Development,

            FloridaStateUniversity, Tallahassee, FL, June, 1989.


“Using Computerized Guidance Systems in Counseling First and

            SecondYearUniversity Students,” Virginia Counselors Association,

            Charlottesville, VA, November, 1988.


             “A Multi-Modal Approach to Counseling Services,” MAPA, Seven Springs,

            PA, September, 1987.


         “Counselor Effectiveness and Computer-Aided Career Counseling,”

            AACD National Convention, New York, NY, April, 1985.


          “Vocational Skills from a Liberal Education:  Who Needs to be

            Convinced?,” National Academic Advising Association National

            Conference, Philadelphia, PA, September, 1984.


            “Development and Evaluation of a Videotape Approach to Resume

            Preparation,” MAPA Fall Conference, Hershey, PA, September, 1984.


        “A Model for the Computerized Evaluation of College Career Counseling

            Services,” ACPA National Convention, Baltimore, MD, April, 1984.


            “Counselors and Computers:  Their Effects on Career Planning,” College

              Placement Council (CPC) National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, May, 1983.


            “Evaluation of DISCOVER,” National DISCOVER Users Conference,

            University Park, PA, May, 1983.


         “Research on Selected Technology for Counselors,” APGA National

            Convention, Washington, DC, March, 1983.


            “Investigation on the On-Campus Recruiting Process through Employer

            and Student Feedback,” MAPA Fall Conference, Hershey, PA, September,




            “Group Counseling for Career Exploration,” ACPA National Convention,

            Detroit, MI, March, 1978.


            “A Multi-Faceted Approach to the Delivery of Career Development

and Placement Services,” ACPA National Convention, Detroit, MI, March, 1978.




          Consultant to develop 23 university career centers throughout the Philippines.


           Consultant to develop a national university career services model with the National                                                 

           Ministry of Education, Peoples’ Republic of China, Beijing and Shanghai, China.     


Consultant with the University of West Indies to develop career

            services at campuses in Mona, Jamaica, Cave Hill, Barbados and St.

            Augustine, Trinidad.


            Consultant with the University of Costa Rica, San Jose to develop a

            Computer-based career service system, Center for Vocational

            Occupational Orientation Program (COVO).


External review consultant to improve development and delivery of career services with: Stanford University, University of Nebraska, Fort Hayes State University, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Clemson University, University of Alabama, University of Central Florida (UCF), Florida Atlantic University (FAU), Bradley University, Eastern Kentucky University, University of Tampa, Loyola Marymount University, Southeastern Missouri State University, University of Louisville, Rollins College, Longwood College, and Miami Dade College


            Consultant for counselor in-service training at RutgersUniversity,

            The University of Delaware, PennsylvaniaCollege of Technology,

            Private Industry Councils of Pennsylvania and the AmericanCollege

            Testing Service (ACT) -- DISCOVER System.


            Consultant to conduct outplacement programs for displaced executives,

            and staff at Florida Commerce Credit Union, E-Systems, Inc., HRB,               

            Corning Glass Company and the Owens-Illinois Company.


Participated in numerous on-site consultations with employers including:

Florida Power and Light, Tampa International Airport, Macy’s, Siemans, CSX Railroad, Motorola, U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), Office Depot, Wachovia Bank, Sun Bank, Barnett Bank, Walt Disney World, Dupont, Geisinger Medical Center, General Motors, Kaufmann’s, Marathon Oil, Northrop-Grumman, The Central Intelligence Agency

(CIA), The Travelers, USX, The University of Virginia – Colgate Darden Graduate School of Business Administration, Virginia Power, and Vitro Labs.



             Pennsylvania Psychological Association (PPA) Fall Conference, 12 CEUs, November,       



            Pennsylvania Psychological Association (PPA) Fall Conference, 13 CEUs, November,



            Pennsylvania Psychological Association (PPA) Annual Convention, 21 CEUs,

            June 18-21, 2014.


               MMPI-2 Symposia; University of Minnesota Press, 12 CEUs, November 2-3, 2007.


                Cape Cod Institute, Leadership for an Uncertain Time, presented by

          Margaret Wheatley, 15 credit hours approved by the American Psychological Association

            August 1-5, 2005.


Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB), Ethics Law and Avoiding Liability in the Practice of Psychology, 6 CPE credits approved by the American Psychological Association, November 21, 2003.


            Cape Cod Institute, Organizational Communication, TeamBuilding and

            Career Coaching presented by Phillip Harkins, 15 credit hours approved

            by the American Psychological Association, August 7-11, 2000.


            Cape CodInstituteAlbertEinsteinCollege of Medicine, Mediation

            and Dispute Resolution presented by Kenneth Cloke, 15 credit hours

            approved by the American Psychological Association, August 4-8, 1997.


           Training Conference for Cross-Culturally Effective Professionals

presented by Janet Helms and Paul Pederson, 1.7 CEU’s, January 7-9, 1991.


            Strategic Family Therapy Workshop presented by Jay Haley, six APA

            Category 1 CE Credits, April 20, 1988.


            Regional Division 17 Conference on Counseling Psychology, 15 APA

            Category 1 CE Credits, May 20-22, 1988.


Gestalt Therapy Workshop presented by Erving Polster, Six APA-Category 1 CE Credits, October 20, 1988.


  • Florida Career Professionals Association (FCPA) Brownlee Leadership Award, 2008
  • Student Leadership Advisor of the Year Award, 2007
  • Community Service Award, Division of Student Affairs, 1996
  • Outstanding Service Award for 1986-87.  Division of Counseling

             and Health Services

  • Psi Chi National Honor Society for Psychology
  • Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society for Academic Achievement
  • Golden Key International Honor Society