Jay Pfeiffer

Jay Pfeiffer
Senior ConsultantSenior Consultant
Coauthored monograph about research uses of state education and labor force data.
Senior Consultant, Common Education Data Standards Project
I contracted with RTI as an Independent consultant
Senior Consultant/Advisor
Center for Education and the Workforce, Georgetown University Washington, DC
Contracted consultant of project to assist states with their education/labor data linkages
SLDS Consultant
Florida Department of EducationFlorida Department of Education Tallahassee, Florida
Senior Consultant
Jacob France Institute University of Baltimore
Author- Education/Workforce Data Collection in Florida's Placement Information Program
National Governor's Association Washington DC
Advisor Florida Senate
Self-employed, freelance
Advising senate staff as to the use of employment and earnings data for postsecondary accountability.Advising senate staff as to the use of employment and earnings data for postsecondary accountability.
Senior ConsultantSenior Consultant
MGT of America Tallahassee, Florida
Advising the Kentucky Council on Post Secondary Education regarding workforce connections.
Leadership jobs, finished as Deputy Commissioner for Accountability, Research and Data Systems
Florida Department of Education
Longitudinal Data PracticeLongitudinal Data Practice
MGT of AmericaMGT of America
Technical AdvisorTechnical Advisor
Higher Education Development Project- Indonesia Jakarta/Sumatra/Kalimantan
Education- Labor data development and systems design to support University Career CentersEducation- Labor data development and systems design to support University Career Centers.
United States Marine Corps
I was a commissioned officer in the USMC with service at Quantico, VA, Camp Lejeune, NC, and Parris Island, SC. I served briefly in Vietnam and longer in Okinawa. I was assigned training commands early on and later served as an engineering officer and shore party company commander.