Mathematics Formative Assessment System


Completed by FCR–STEM in summer 2015, the Mathematics Formative Assessment System (MFAS) Grades K-Geometry project was designed to produce a web-based formative assessment system aligned with the Mathematics Florida Standards for kindergarten through geometry. Used by teachers and students during instruction, formative assessment is a process that provides feedback to adjust ongoing teaching and learning in the classroom. The purpose of MFAS is to increase

  • Teacher knowledge of the learning goals defined by the Mathematics Florida Standards.
  • Teacher use of formative assessment to guide instruction.
  • Teacher collaboration focused on understanding student thinking.
  • Differentiation of instruction in mathematics based upon the instructional needs of individual students.

MFAS consists of:

  • Over 1,300 formative assessment tasks and rubrics,
  • 20 lesson study resource kits intended to assist teachers engaging in lesson study as they shift to the new Mathematics Florida Standards,
  • Professional development modules for both teachers and teacher leaders on formative assessment and the use of MFAS, and
  • Face-to-face training to districts throughout the state of Florida, upon request. FCR-STEM trained over 2,400 Florida educators on MFAS in 2014-2015.

A yearlong randomized controlled trial found MFAS to have statistically significant positive effects on students’ academic performance in mathematics. Teachers’ use of MFAS was also associated with increases in their mathematics knowledge for teaching and use of student grouping strategies in their classroom practice. All MFAS resources, as well as the results of the randomized-controlled trial, can be accessed on the MFAS homepage on CPALMS.

Primary project partners have included FCR-STEM, WestEd, and 10 different Florida school districts (Duval, Florida State University School, Leon, Miami-Dade, Okaloosa, Pinellas, Polk, Seminole, St. Johns, and Walton). MFAS tasks and rubrics are available in Florida and worldwide at no cost; Florida teachers also have free access to MFAS online professional development modules.


Laura Lang, Ph.D., Director Emerita, Learning Systems Institute, Florida State University (2011-2013)


 Principal Investigator (2013-2015)

Maureen Oberlin, Associate in Research, FCR-STEM, Learning Systems Institute, Florida State University (Project Manager 2011-2013)


Florida Race to the Top grant from the U.S. Department of Education to the Florida Department of Education, $5.2 million, 2011-2015