Flavia Ramos-Mattoussi, Ed.D.

Flavia Ramos-Mattoussi, Ed.D.
Ed.D. Education Policy, Research, and Administration, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 1999
M.Ed. International Education, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 1989
CERT. Certified Family and School Bilingual Mediator. Center for Human Development, Springfield, Massachusetts, 1990
B.F.A. Art Education, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 1982
CERT. Certified Art Education Teacher, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – 1982
Flavia Ramos-Mattoussi, Ed.D, is a Senior Research Associate leading several of LSI’s efforts in international education and development. Prior to joining the Learning Systems Institute at Florida State University in 2009, she served as director of the Assistance to Basic Education (USAID ABE-IQC) at Juarez & Associates in Washington (2007-2009); Assistant Professor and Director of the International Training and Education Program at American University (2002-2007); Visiting professor of International Education at the George Washington University (2000-2002); Adjunct faculty at the University of Connecticut (leading a study abroad program to Cuba in 2002) and at the School for International Training in Vermont (1990).
Ramos-Mattoussi is an International Education and Development professional with more than 30 years’ experience in program management, training of trainers, nonformal education, materials and curriculum development, gender and development, program evaluation and assessment of education initiatives in multicultural, post-conflict and development settings. She has been a consultant for government agencies (U.S. Agency for International Development and U.S. Department of Labor) and non-governmental organizations (UNICEF, American Council on Education, World Learning, Institute for Training and Development) implementing participant training programs in the United States and conducting research and training in Latin America, Africa and Asia.
She has produced numerous informational materials and training curricula targeting multicultural and multilingual populations, and conducted social marketing research for health and education (Boston Medical Center, Massachusetts Center for SIDS; The Johns Hopkins University, Center for Communication Programs; and the National Coalition of Advocates for Students). Most recently, she has been involved in the development of early grade reading and evaluation of literacy programs in Africa and Asia; as well as evaluation of higher education partnerships in Latin America. Her research focuses on the development of participatory research methods, including visual sociology, life histories and biographical approaches in research. She is author of The FotoDialogo Method©, several training manuals, technical reports, book chapters and articles in refereed journals. She is also a playwright, author and illustrator of numerous children’s books published in Brazil—as Flavia Sales. In the field, she worked on development education programs in Angola, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Fiji, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, Iraq, Jamaica, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, the Philippines, Somalia, Tuvalu, and Uzbekistan; and remotely managed projects in Egypt, Kosovo and Mali.
Ramos-Mattoussi holds both master’s and doctoral degrees from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Center for International Education, and a B.F.A. from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, School of Fine Arts. She’s fluent in Portuguese and Spanish.
More About Dr. Ramos-Mattoussi's Work
Ramos-Mattoussi’s Dedication To International Education On Display At LSI
The Learning Systems Institute extends its reach to Uzbekistan in Central Asia
LSI’s Ramos-Mattoussi returns to Ethiopia to work on reading and writing initiative
- Uzbekistan Excellence for Education Program (UEEP)- Science, Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships (STIP) in Higher Education; USAID Central Asia; Flavia Ramos Mattoussi (PI) & Rabieh Razzouk (Co-PI)
- Ramos Mattoussi, Flavia (PI) & Milligan, Jeffrey (Co-PI), (2012-2018). Reading for Ethiopia's Achievement Developed (READ) Technical Assistance Project. Funded by USAID/RTI International. (1-330-0213559).
- Barnes, A. (PI), Zuilkowski, S., & Ramos Mattoussi, F. (2018, June–2019, September). Contract number: 2018-0036. Honduras Reading Activity. Sponsored by USAID-Honduras/Education Development Center, Inc.
- Milligan, Jeffrey (PI), Ramos Mattoussi, Flavia (Co-PI). (May 2012–Nov 2013). Prioritizing Reform, Innovation, Opportunities for Reaching Indonesia's Teachers, Administrators, and Students (PRIORITAS) Project. Funded by USAID/RTI International. (3-330-0213381).
- Ramos Mattoussi, Flavia (PI). (Jun 2013–Mar 2014). Technical Support in Designing an Early Grade Literacy Program for Tuvalu. Funded by UNICEF/United Nations Children. (43142634).
- Boyle, Helen Nolan (PI), Zuilkowski, Stephanie (Co-PI), & Ramos Mattoussi, Flavia (Co-PI). (Sep 2014–Jan 2017). US - Indonesia Teacher Training Partnership. Funded by RTI International. (4-330-0213381-51869L).
- Milligan, J. (PI), Flavia Ramos-Mattoussi (Co-PI) 2010-2012). Decentralized Basic Education, Component 2 (DBE2) Indonesia (2006-2012) Contract # 05132; Funding Agency: USAID-Indonesia/Educational Development Center.
- Evaluation of Women's Leadership Partnership Program in Paraguay (2015); Higher Education for Development; Principal Investigator
- Hall-Mills, S., Barnes, A., Mekonnen, D., Fesmire, M., & Ramos Mattoussi, F. (in press). Contextualizing preservice teacher education materials and instruction in multilingual Ethiopia. In “Language Issues in Comparative Education II: Policy and practice in multilingual education based on non-dominant languages.” Carol Benson and Kimmo Kosonen (Eds). © 2018 Sense Publishers. Manuscript under contract for publication, © 2018 Sense Publishers.
- Boyle, H., & Ramos Mattoussi, F. (2018). Arab Barometer Report on Youth Nonformal Education in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region (Technical Report commissioned by the University of Michigan, in combination with Northwestern University and the Salam Institute for Peace and Justice. USAID, Washington, DC. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.127). Arab Barometer. Retrieved from http://www.arabbarometer.org/publication/non-formal-education-in-the-mena-region/
- Barnes, A., Zuilkowski, S. S., Mekonnen, D., & Ramos-Mattoussi, F. (2018). Improving teacher training in Ethiopia: Shifting the content and approach of pre-service teacher. Teaching and Teacher Education, 70(Feb 2018), 1–11.
- Mekonnen, D., Fesmire, M., Backman, S., Backman, S., & Ramos Mattoussi, F. (2018). Changing Teacher Educators’ Conceptions and Practices on Literacy Instruction: Lessons from Teacher Educators’ Professional Development Experiences in Ethiopia. In Sarah R. Pouezevara (Ed.) (Ed.), Cultivating dynamic educators: Case studies in teacher behavior change in Africa and Asia. (RTI Press Publication No. BK-0022-1809). Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI Press. DOI: 10.3768/rtipress. 2018.bk.0022.1809. Retrieved from https://www.rti.org/rti-press-publication/cultivating-dynamic-educators
- Milligan, J., Fuentes, V., Ramos Mattoussi, F., Paredes, C., & Arango, P. (2018). Community College Administrator Program (CCAP) with Selected Countries: Final Program Evaluation (Report Prepared for The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. State Department under Cooperative Agreement S-ECAGD-14-CA-1165. Washington, DC). Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. State Department under Cooperative Agreement S-ECAGD-14-CA-1165. Washington, DC.
- Ramos Mattoussi, F., & Caballero, V. (2015). External Evaluation of the Women’s Leadership Program in Paraguay: Evaluation Report. [174 p.] Higher Education for Development (HED), American Council on Education (ACE) (Technical Report). USAID/DEC, Washington, DC. Retrieved from http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PA00KNGF.pdf
- Ramos Mattoussi, F., Fesmire, M., & Amorim, E. (2014). Design of Three Year Early Grades Literacy Program for Tuvalu. Final Report submitted to The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF-Pacific), Suva, Fiji (EARLY GRADES LITERACY PROGRAM FOR TUVALU. UNICEF-Pacific (2013-2014) Contract # 43142634). UNICEF-Pacific, Fiji.
- Ramos Mattoussi, F., & Milligan, J. (2013). Building Research and Teaching Capacity in Indonesia through International Collaboration (A Briefing Paper from IIE’s Center for International Partnerships. This report was funded by a grant from the United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA). Copyright © 2013 Institute of International Education, Inc. Washington, DC.
- Raupp, M., & Ramos Mattoussi, F. (2012). Mid-term monitoring and evaluation of Alfalit’s literacy programs in Liberia, Mozambique, and Angola [140 p.] (Special report. International Business and Technical Consultants, Inc. (IBTCI) Sponsoring Organization(s): USAID. Bur. for Africa, Development Experience Clearinghouse, PD-ACT-624). USAID-DEC, Washington, DC. Retrieved from http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDACT624.pdf
- Ramos Mattoussi, F. (2011). Project Report: Action Research in Education Training Module for Indonesian University Lecturers, submitted by Florida State University to Education Development Center, USAID-Indonesia Decentralized Basic Education Program (DBE2) (Subcontract NO: R01189, amendment 2. Jakarta, Indonesia: United States Agency for International Development). USAID-Indonesia, Jakarta.
- Ramos Mattoussi, F. (2010). Assessing the impact of short-term technical assistance and gender integration training implemented by international organizations in developing countries. In Virtual Conference on Methodology in Program Evaluation, September-December, 2010. School of Human and Community Development, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. Johannesburg, South Africa. Retrieved from http://wpeg.wits.ac.za
- Ramos Mattoussi, F. (2009). Imaginary Pictures, Real Life Stories: The FotoDialogo Method. In Barbara Harrison (Ed.) (Ed.), Life Story Research in SAGE Benchmarks in Social Research Methods Series (pp. 337-375). London: SAGE Publications. ISBN: 978-1-4129-3588-3.
- Ramos Mattoussi, F.; Juarez and Associates, Inc. (2008). Interim Assessment of Impact/Results of the Short-term Technical Assistance and Training Task Order. IQC No. GEW-I-00-02-00020-00 Integrating Gender for Development Results: Women in Development. Washington, DC: USAID. USAID/DEC.Retrieved from http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDACM808.pdf
- Ramos Mattoussi, F. (2007). Life’s Structures and the Individual’s Voice: Making Sense of Women’s Words. In Mary Ann Maslak (Ed.), The structure and agency of women’s education (pp. 219-232). Albany: State University of New York Press.
- Ramos, F. (2007). Imaginary pictures, real life stories: The FotoDialogo method. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 20(2) March-April 2, 191-224.
- Ramos, F. (2006). Helping Adult Learners Tell Their Stories Using Photo-Literature: The FotoDialogo Method. Electronic Magazine of Multicultural Education, 8(1), 1-17. Retrieved from http://www.eastern.edu/publications/emme/2006spring/ramos.pdf
- Ramos Mattoussi, F., Nasser, I., Irvine Belson, S., O’Leary, C., & Gray, M. (2003). Data Collection Tool for the Rapid Assessment Project (RAP) for Iraqi Schools and Education. Creative Associates International.
- Ramos Mattoussi, F., & Irvine Belson, S. (2003). Training manual for master trainers: Materials for student-centered instruction (114 p.). USAID: Baghdad.
- Ramos Mattoussi, F. (2002). Needs Assessment for the Brazil Child Labor Education Initiative. (USDOL Technical Report, P.O. No. B9k22633), Washington, DC: Bureau of International Labor Affairs, U.S. Department of Labor.
- Ramos, F. (2001). Chameleon Career: The Education of an International Educator. Chalkboard, 10 (2), Spring 2001. New York Foundation for the Arts, 2.
- Bolomey, A., Munoz-Lopez, R., Ramirez-Garnica, G., & Ramos, F. S. (2001). Nosotras Viviremos. Las destrezas: A Capacity Building Training Manual for Working with Latina Farmworking Youth. 145 p. Boston, MA: National Coalition of Advocates for Students. ERIC ED 459145.
- Bolomey, A., Munoz-Lopez, R., Ramirez-Garnica, G., & Ramos, F. S. (2001). Nosotras Viviremos. Los consejos: A Capacity Building Training Manual for Working with Latina Farmworking Mothers and Mentors of Girls. 138 p. Boston, MA: National Coalition of Advocates for Students. ERIC ED 459144.
- Flavia Sales Ramos. (1999). “The FotoDialogo Method: Using pictures and storytelling to promote dialogue and self-discovery among Latinas within a community-based organization in Massachusetts”. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Massachusetts Amherst). Retrieved from Electronic Doctoral Dissertations for UMass Amherst, http://scholarworks.umass.edu/dissertations/AAI9932341, ISBN 0-599-32914-9.
- Ramos Mattoussi, F. (1996). Community Health Advocates: A Population-Based & Neighborhood-Focused Outreach Program. Data-collection report for the Partners for a Healthier Community, INC. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Springfield, MA.
- Ramos, F. (1986). Technical Assistance to the Somali Family Health Services Project on Visual Communication. Project report. Population Communications Service, Population Information Program.(USAID-Somalia). The Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore, MD.
Flavia Ramos-Mattoussi, CIES 2022 ITA Committee Chair (2022). Interviews with International Travel Distinguished Awardees from Sri Lanka and Lesotho. YouTube: ITA Travel Award Ceremony https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOuLYsw9YDk
Flavia Ramos-Mattoussi (2022). Engage Your World Series Invited Speaker “There is Something about GESI: Deconstructing the Gender Equity and Social Inclusion Framework.” March 30, 2022. Florida State University. YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJnX3AY7ytE.
The Learning Systems Institute extends its reach to Uzbekistan in Central Asia. https://lsi.fsu.edu/2020/02/25/the-learning-systems-institute-extends-its-reach-to-uzbekistan-in-central-asia/ Posted by Flavia Ramos-Mattoussi on February 25, 2020 https://lsi.fsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/6981195602488489465.mp4?_=1
The Learning Systems Institute at Florida State University Is Celebrating Its 50th Anniversary This Year! Posted by Flavia Ramos-Mattoussi. Lead coordinator and producer of the LSI 50th Anniversary Video (2019) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzNgZ_aiLKQ&feature=youtu.be