October 2023

Returning To FSU As A Peace Corps Recruiter Is A Full-Circle Moment For LSI’s Leaman

After a lifetime of living in their hometown of Tallahassee, Madeline Leaman graduated from Florida State and immediately prepared for a new life as an English teacher in Ukraine. The root of this decision tracked all the way back to seventh grade when a recruiter introduced them to the opportunities provided by the Peace Corps.


Primary Teacher Residency Pilot Program For TTCS Launched

Kigali, October 4, 2023: The Minister of Education, Hon. Gaspard Twagirayezu, along with the Director-General of Rwanda Basic Education, Dr. Nelson Mbarushimanana, and other representatives from esteemed Education Partners, officially launched the pilot program for the Primary Teacher Residency Program. The primary objective of this program is to enhance teachers' knowledge and skills in 21st-century skills, with a focus on English proficiency and digital literacy, among other areas.

LSI-Led Transforming Teacher Education In Zambia Activity Enters Year Four

The Learning Systems Institute at Florida State University is entering its fourth year working in Zambia on the Transforming Teacher Education Activity. The USAID-funded project, led by LSI, aims to strengthen the capacity of Zambia’s pre-service teacher training institutions to improve student learning outcomes.