Florida Panhandle Teachers Complete Comprehensive Professional Development In AI Pro Engineering As Part Of FSU’s InSPIRE Activity

After 20 hours of virtual instruction, teachers from Florida’s panhandle counties are returning to their classrooms with cutting-edge skills in AI Prompt Engineering. The AIENGIN102 course, "Leveraging AI Prompt Engineering for Engineering Design Pedagogy," is part of FSU’s InSPIRE activity and was administered by staff at Florida State University’s Learning Systems Institute (LSI).


LSI Wins Florida Philanthropic Network Grant Supporting Math Learning In Afterschool Programs

The Florida Philanthropic Network (FPN) has awarded Florida State University’s Learning Systems Institute (LSI) a grant to implement the “Afterschool Math Success: Developing the Vision and Support” project. The grant will be implemented by LSI’s Florida Center for Research in STEM (FCR-STEM), with Carrie Meyers, LSI’s Director of STEM Outreach, serving as the Principal Investigator.


Engaging Elementary Students Using AI-Powered Storytelling

Florida State's Learning Systems Institute (LSI) held its first professional learning course for K-5 Gulf Coast teachers from July 22 to 26. The teacher workshop, which is part of the workforce training and education component of FSU's Institute for Strategic Partnerships, Innovation, Research, and Education (InSPIRE), was conducted by the CPALMS staff from the Florida Center for Research in STEM.


LSI Holds First Professional Learning Course For Workforce Training And Education As Part Of FSU’s InSPIRE

Florida State's Learning Systems Institute (LSI) held its first professional learning course for K-5 Gulf Coast teachers from July 22 to 26. The teacher workshop, which is part of the workforce training and education component of FSU's Institute for Strategic Partnerships, Innovation, Research, and Education (InSPIRE), was conducted by the CPALMS staff from the Florida Center for Research in STEM.


U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences Awards LSI $4 Million STEM Education Grant

Florida State University’s Learning Systems Institute has been awarded a four-year, $4 million grant by The U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences. Robert Schoen, Ph.D., will serve as the principal investigator on the Supporting Teacher Enactment of the Probability and Statistics Standards (STEPSS)–Replication study


150 Teachers Joined The CGI Teacher Training Program In Year One Of Successful Start

The Successful Start project is a partnership between Florida State University’s Learning Systems Institute (LSI), The Children’s Board of Hillsborough County and Hillsborough County Public Schools. The project team, led by Dr. Amanda Tazaz, provides early elementary school teachers with eight days of mathematics teacher professional development based on Cognitively Guided Instruction. In the 2023-2024 school year, 150 teachers from 20 elementary schools joined the CGI teacher training program as part of the Successful Start project.
