FCR-STEMLearn-300x169.jpgFCR–STEMLearn is an intensive professional development program for grade K-12 math and science teachers in Florida. It is a partnership of the Florida Center for Research in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (FCR–STEM), Florida’s 67 school districts, and the state’s three rural educational consortia.

Beginning with a focus on middle school science in 2010, the program has expanded to include grade 6-12 physical science, earth science, cell biology, diversity and ecology as well as algebra, statistics, geometry and grades K-5 mathematics. To date, the program has served over 2,000 math and science teachers in Florida.

Through summer institutes, the FCR–STEMLearn Grades 6-12program brings teachers together with scientists, mathematicians and professional development experts to increase their content knowledge and engages teachers in applying that knowledge through lesson development, communities of practice, and other job-embedded supports during the academic year. The FCR–STEM Learn: Foundations for Success in STEM program for K-5 teachers offers elementary math teachers a sustained, content-focused professional development program beginning in summer and continuing through the academic year.

Through the FCR–STEM statewide conference, FCR–STEMLearn participants deepen their content knowledge and teaching strategies through further contact with scientists, engineers, mathematicians, educational researchers, and STEM professional development experts.

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Rabieh Razzouk, MBA

Director, Learning Systems Institute, and Director, Florida Center for Research in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (FCR-STEM)

Robert C. Schoen, Ph.D.

FCR–STEM Associate Director


Florida Department of Education, through the U.S. Department of Education’s Math and Science Partnership Program