Ana H. Marty, Ph. D

Ana H. Marty, Ph. D
Institute of Education Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Emergent Literacy Assessment for Language Minority Preschool Children, Preschool Research Group, Florida Center for Reading Research, 2009 – 2011.
Ph.D. in Human Sciences, Specialization: Child Development and Early Childhood Education, Florida State University, 2006.
Master's in Education, Specialization: Human Ecology, University of Puerto Rico, 1998.
Bachelor of Family and Consumer Sciences, Specialization: Science, Extension, and Community, University of Puerto Rico, 1990.
Dr. Ana H. Marty is a Research Faculty, ECE, and Literacy Specialist at the Learning Systems Institute at Florida State University. She has over 30 years of combined experience in formal and non-formal education environments, education research with at risk-populations, and international education and development. Dr. Marty has worked on early-grade reading projects in the Dominican Republic, Nigeria, Honduras, and Uzbekistan. Currently, she is supporting projects in Malawi, Rwanda, and Zambia to strengthen teaching and research capacity in Teaching Training Institutions. She leads the Florida State University partnership with ABC+ in the Philippines aimed at aligning pre-service and in-service curricula and strengthening the capacity of university teaching faculty to deliver research-based, contextually appropriate instruction in early literacy.
Dr. Marty’s expertise includes assessment development, development of teacher training modules and pre-primary/primary grade curricula, training of trainers, program evaluation, and teaching practice system strengthening. Her research aims to improve preprimary, primary and preservice education in low- and middle-income countries. She has authored peer-reviewed research articles and presented research at annual meetings of the Society for Research in Child Development, Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, and the American Association Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Also, she has presented at the World Literacy Summit, USAID Higher Education Global Evidence Summit, and at the Annual Conference of the Comparative International Education Society.
Dr. Marty received undergraduate and master’s degrees from the University of Puerto Rico, where she worked as an Assistant Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences and Youth Development. She received her Ph.D. in Child Development from Florida State University and completed a Post-Doctoral Fellowship with the Florida Center for Reading Research. She is a native Spanish speaker.
More About Dr. Marty's Work
LSI Receives Grant To Further Teacher Preparedness In Rwanda
Working At LSI Allows Dr. Ana Marty To Connect With People Globally
Primary Training Residency Program, Rwanda. Principal Investigator Funding Agency: Rainwater Charitable Foundation
Advancing Basic Education, Philippines (2019-2023), Principal Investigator
Funding Agency: USAID-Philippines/RTI International
Fomenting Research Partnerships between the United States and the Dominican Republic (2020- 2021), Principal Investigator
Funding Agency: US Department of State
Post-Conflict Activities to Counter Violent Extremism in Borno State: Development of Effective Tool for Multilingual Medium of Instruction (2020- 2021), Principal Investigator
Funding Agency: USAID-Nigeria/University of Maiduguri (UNIMAID)
Promoting Early Grade Reading in Borno and Yobe States, Nigeria (2018-2019) Principal Investigator
Funding Agency: DFID/UNICEF-Nigeria
Strengthening Teacher Education and Practice, Malawi (2022-2027), Teaching Practice Specialist
Funding Agency: USAID-Malawi
Schools and Systems Activity, Rwanda (2021-2026), Teaching Practice and Early Childhood Education Specialist
Funding Agency: USAID-Rwanda/FHI360
Transforming Teacher Education Activity, Zambia (2020-2025), Mentoring and Monitoring Specialist
Funding Agency: USAID-Zambia
Nigeria Centre for Reading Research and Development, Nigeria (2018-2020), Research Mentor
Funding Agency: USAID-Nigeria
Honduras Reading Activity (De Lectores a Líderes) (2018-2019), Literacy Specialist
Funding Agency: USAID-Honduras/Education Development Center
Access to Learning for All in Northeast Nigeria (ALFANN) (2017-2018), Literacy Specialist
Funding: DFID/Creative Associates International
Northern Education Initiative Plus (NEI+), Nigeria (2017-2018), Literacy Specialist
Funding Agency: USAID-Nigeria/Creative Associates International
• Aminu B., Marty, A. H., Akinrinmade, B., & Zuilkowski, S. (in press). The teaching of reading comprehension in Kano State, Nigeria. Nigeria Journal of Reading.
• Kabir, U., Marty. A. H., Akinrinmade, B., & Zuilkowski, S. (2021). An Analysis of Teaching and Learning Materials in Kano State, Nigeria: Curricular Relevance, Cultural Responsiveness, and Gender Equity. Literacy.
• Zuilkowski, S. & Marty, A. H. (2021). Student perceptions of school safety and student learning outcomes in a context of protracted conflict. International Journal of Educational Development, 8.
• Goldstein, H., Ziolkowski, R., Bojczyk, K., Marty, A. H., Schneider, N., Harpring, J., & Haring, C. (2017) Academic vocabulary learning in first through third grade in low-income schools: Effects of automated supplemental instruction. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 60. 3237-3258 DOI: 10.1044/2017_jslhr-l-17-0100
• Marty, A. H., Readdick, C. A., & Walters, C. M. (2005). Supporting secure parent-child attachments: The role of the non-parental caregiver. Early Child Development and Care, 175 (3), 271-283.