The Nigeria Center for Reading and Development at BUK held a national reading conference in Kano, Nigeria

In August 2019, the Nigeria Centre for Reading Research and Development held the National Reading Conference at Bayero University, Kano. Approximately 800 participants attended the conference organized by BUK with support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Northern Education Initiative Plus (NEI+). Institutions and book vendors represented many states from all over Nigeria. Drs. Adrienne Barnes, Nicole Patton Terry, Stephanie Zuilkowski, and Jarret (Jay) Terry represented the Florida State University.
The Nigeria Centre for Reading Research and Development was established as a result of the partnership between the Learning Systems Institute at FSU and the Bayero University, Kano. For the last two years, several scholars from BUK have come to Tallahassee, Florida to engage with FSU faculty and students, participate in graduate studies and research related to early grade reading instruction. Several faculty members from the Learning Systems Institute and the College of Education have collaborated with BUK in Nigeria on developing curriculum and materials for early grade reading. They have also conducted numerous workshops for teacher educators in Nigeria and mentored university scholars in their journey towards excellence in reading research and teaching. These efforts aim to prepare future generations of Nigerian school-teachers, and consequently improve children’s reading and literacy outcomes in the country.
Find below the link to the program and FSU presentations from the National Reading Conference held 19-23 August 2019 at the Nigeria Centre for Reading Research and Development housed at Bayero University, Kano.
Program of Events and Abstracts of Papers