LSI Continues To Move Towards Its Goals On The USAID STEP in Malawi Activity

August 21, 2024

"Principals/Heads of Department from various Teacher Training Colleges across Malawi meet to validate materials"

Malawi – The Learning Systems Institute (LSI) at Florida State University has led the USAID-funded Strengthening Teacher Education and Practice (STEP) in Malawi Activity since 2022. STEP has two overarching objectives. The first is to support the higher education systems to train teachers in early-grade instruction. The second is to provide pathways of continuous professional development for teachers to excel in their discipline and at the primary school level.

LSI’s Dr. Adrienne Barnes-Story is the Principal Investigator for the activity. She is working with the support and engagement of the Ministry of Education-Directorate of Teacher Education and Development, School-to-School International, Development Aid from People to People, CharChar Literacy and the University of Malawi to implement the activity in all teacher training colleges nationwide. 

Among the achievements during the third quarter of 2024, staff members from STEP supported teacher educators in planning and implementing 50 Participatory Action Research (PAR) projects, produced two videos on phonological awareness and the STEP Activity supported the development of a refined continuous professional development (CPD) implementation plan. 

From April to the end of June, STEP collaborated with the Directorate of Teacher Education and Development (DTED) to support the development of the Diploma and Degree in Primary Education Curriculum and Assessment Framework, and 49 teacher educators in the Foundational Literacy Course (FLC) completed tasks and assignments for weeks three and four of the course.

There have also been improved teaching practice preparations stemming from the Teaching Practice Advisory Group (TPAG) initiative that STEP and DTED organized to improve teaching practice. The TPAG met multiple times to establish a teaching practice model to improve student teachers’ preparation and provide a national forum for members to share their experiences.

“It’s inspiring to see the TTIs embracing this opportunity to improve the teaching practice – an experience that shapes student teachers’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes, and prepares them for the classroom,” said Barnes-Story. “TTI principals are the front line for systemic transformation and long-term improvements to teacher education.”

Phillip Nachonie, the principal of Machinga Teacher Training College (TTC), participated in the TPAG and has seen improved teaching practices at his teacher training institution (TTI). The discussions with counterparts from across the country helped many recognize what aspects of pre-service teacher education can be improved. 

“We realized that there were certain things that almost all the colleges were not doing well from our discussions,” said Nachonie. “We realized that we needed to change the way we are doing things.”

Determined to better equip student teachers for teaching practice, Nachonie approached colleagues at Machinga TTC with his idea of lengthening orientation. After collaborating on expanding teaching practice prep from two hours to one week, Nachonie and his colleagues recently completed their first revamped orientation. 

“We have started seeing it bearing fruits,” said Nachonie. “I’m looking forward to further engagement so that we can take it to another level.”

The USAID STEP Activity will continue into 2027. In the near term, plans include supporting the DTED in finalizing the curriculum framework for the diploma program in primary teacher education and establishing a clear plan for CPD implementation. A National Literacy Symposium is being organized for September and support will be provided to the DTED in developing induction standards for newly recruited primary school teachers.

LSI is at the forefront of developing innovative solutions that bridge theory and practice in education. Our experts’ advanced research not only provides state-of-the-art methods but also a clear path for implementation. For 55 years, LSI has delivered systems that measurably improve the learning and performance of organizations and individuals here in Florida and across the world.